An appeal is a request to have a higher court reverse the decision of a trial court after a final judgment or other legal ruling has been entered. AZ Courts Appeals Self-Service Center.
What are Arizona Court Rules?
This site, Arizona Court Rules, from Thomson Reuters provides free access to an unannotated version of the Arizona state and local court rules as published in West's Arizona Revised Statutes Annotated.
What should I know about Courtroom Standards?
COURTROOM STANDARDS: Upon entering the courthouse, you are REQUIRED to observe the following standards:
NO WEAPONS OF ANY KIND ARE ALLOWED IN THE COURT BUILDING PURSUANT TO ARS 13-3102A(10). Violation of this statute is a class one misdemeanor and is subject to criminal prosecution.
No one may enter the courthouse with food, drink or chewing gum. Please dispose of these items prior to entry.
Wear appropriate attire. Clothing need not be formal but no one is allowed into the courtroom without shoes or shirt. T-shirts with offensive slogans or pictures are not permitted. If you are wearing a hat, please remove it upon entering the courtroom.
When you are called to the bench to address the Judge, stand a few feet back - NEVER lean on the bench. DO NOT attempt to speak to the Judge from the audience.
While waiting your turn to see the Judge, do not chat or whisper to friends. If you need to speak, leave the courtroom for a few minutes. Court proceedings may be in the process of being taped and background conversation can interfere with the audio taping of the record. Avoid shuffling papers or reading a newspaper if it is a distraction to others.
If at all possible, do not bring small children to Court. We recognize that at times it may be necessary to do so, please monitor their behavior and keep them as quiet as possible. If a child becomes noisy or unruly, you and your child may be asked to leave the courtroom.
Where to find Defensive Driving classes?
Facts about Defensive Driving School(DDS):
Eligibility is one year from violation date to violation date. Upon completion of DDS the violation will be dismissed.
The Court DOES accept online/internet classes. In order to determine your eligibility and/or to sign up for DDS, contact a certified Arizona defensive driving school.